kZ0ai5BFhH5v :

> Accueil > Annuaire > PETITES ANNONCES BIOCONTACT > kZ0ai5BFhH5v :



hi,I think I’v got the solution for displaying multiple windows using cvNamedWindow() function …Below is the sample code for frames taken from the cam and displaying it in multiple windows.The code displays 10 frames of images taken from the camera.cp is the pointer to CvCapture.//IplImage *fp[20]; char* p; char ch;p=&ch;for(int l1=0;l1<10;l1++){ *p=l1; fp[l1]=cvQueryFrame(cp); cvNamedWindow(p,CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage(p,fp[l1]);} //
hi,I think I’v got the solution for displaying multiple windows using cvNamedWindow() function …Below is the sample code for frames taken from the cam and displaying it in multiple windows.The code displays 10 frames of images taken from the camera.cp is the pointer to CvCapture.//IplImage *fp[20]; char* p; char ch;p=&ch;for(int l1=0;l1<10;l1++){ *p=l1; fp[l1]=cvQueryFrame(cp); cvNamedWindow(p,CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); cvShowImage(p,fp[l1]);} //
